Celebrations in Europe Scavenger Hunt (LS-HR-287)
How to engage students and keep them focussed during remote learning? Teachers worldwide are facing a challenge unlike anything in their careers. …
How to engage students and keep them focussed during remote learning? Teachers worldwide are facing a challenge unlike anything in their careers. …
In the fourth month of our eTwinning project, Our culture is our gift, we started preparing for the Safer Internet Day by …
The Earth’s climate has been changing for millennia. However, since exact measurements were introduced, it has become obvious that the changes are …
Title: Using Arts to reconstruct a volcanic eruption – implementation Topic: Volcanoes – Earthquakes Author: Angeliki Kougiourouki The learning scenario implemented What …
This cross-curricular learning scenario by Ayrton Curmi links Social Studies to Culture, Mathematics, Language, Art and Physical Education. Traditions are a fundamental …
Dinosaurs are the largest animals that lived on Earth, millions of years ago. Although they have completely lost about 60 million years …
The learning scenario “Who are you?”- a pen pal from the past was created by Jean-Christophe Jost from France and implemented by …
This lesson focuses on reading and retelling real-life stories of soldiers and other ordinary people during World War I with the focus …
How does intertextuality place the reader in an endless dialogue? Getting our students to read is often a challenge. How to get …
This learning scenario, created by Marina Stanojlović Mirčić was implemented in the Vocational course Higher Technician in Social Integration within the Socio-Labour …