Zdrave slastice (HR-CUR-650)
Od samog početka 20. stoljeća, prehrana se smatrala ključnom za dobrobit kao i tjelesna aktivnost (vježbanje) , a hrana se smatrala ključem …
Od samog početka 20. stoljeća, prehrana se smatrala ključnom za dobrobit kao i tjelesna aktivnost (vježbanje) , a hrana se smatrala ključem …
After 2 long years, Europeana and European Schoolnet finally had the chance to organise the first face-to-face workshop! 35 Europeana educators, including …
The purpose of this scenario is to get preschool students familiar with the traditional decoration of Easter eggs in Greece and other …
Through this learning scenario, students will learn about the importance and position of women in science (and in general society) in the …
Το σενάριο μάθησης με τη χρήση ψηφιακών πόρων της Europeana καθώς και τη χρήση εργαλείων Τ.Π.Ε. εντάσσεται στο Ελληνικό σχολικό πρόγραμμα της …
Il Risorgimento italiano nell’arte ha segnato un punto importantissimo per la figura dell’artista: non più espressione della committenza, ma anche ricercatore delle …
Razvojni plan škole ima za cilj očuvanje mentalnog zdravlja zaposlenika i učenika kao i prepoznavanje emocija. S obzirom da se razvojnim planom …
This is a learning scenario for the subject of English as a foreign language (CEFR level B2). Students will explore how Giuseppe …
“There are no passengers on spaceship earth. We are all crew.” /Marshall McLuhan/ Celebrated on 5th June by millions of people all …
The human mind never rests. It imagines, tests and creates. There have been countless human inventions throughout history, products of dedication, hard …