Recreating XMAS Decorations (LS-HR-625)
This learning scenario was created by Alma Šuto and implemented with the seventh and eighth graders (13-15-year-olds) during Computer Science and Technical education classes in their mother tongue. This is an interdisciplinary scenario involving Computer Science, Technical Education, Entrepreneurship, Ecology and the English language.
In this project-based learning scenario students are making and designing a Christmas tree with recycled materials and micro:bits. Also, students are making and designing Christmas cards with circuits using wires, coin cell batteries, and LEDs, coding digital Christmas cards and making and designing 3D Christmas tree decorations.
In the introduction, the teacher presents to the students the main idea of all the activities and gives a short overview of Europeana. Students are introduced to the idea of decorating the school with Christmas decorations that they make themselves and they are divided into five groups for collaborative activities.
Individual activities
The students work on the following tasks and activities:
- Coding of Christmas symbols using the online tool MakeCode and downloading in micro:bits.
- Coding Christmas cards using the online Scratch tool and downloading it.
- Creating and designing 3D Christmas decorations using online tools Thinkercad.
- Making and designing Christmas cards with circuits using wires, coin cell batteries, and LEDs.
- Making and designing Christmas villages – tasks for students who want more.
Collaborative activities
The students are divided into five groups. Each group should draw and cut one piece of the Christmas tree (4 sides and a stand). Students then connect the programmed micro: bits to each side of the Christmas tree. In the end, the students from the fifth group connect all the parts by glueing.
Sharing knowledge
After that, the students’ works are exhibited in the common areas of the school, the students decorate the school with Christmas decorations that they made themselves.
After the lesson, students do self and peer evaluation prepared by the teacher using Office365 Forms, the teacher collects information about how the students felt during the lesson, and what skills and competences they had acquired.
All information and photos taken during the lesson have been uploaded on the Office365 Sway in order to ensure sustainability. Click here to discover it.
Overall achievement
This lesson was very successful and the lesson objectives were met. The students created different Christmas decorations and successfully decorated the common areas of the school. We had a feedback session, a discussion and an online survey and it was obvious that the students enjoyed the lesson.
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CC BY 4.0: the featured image used to illustrate this article has been found on Europeana and has been provided by the Wellcome Collection.