Post-Modern Novel To The first Novel Of History (LS-TR-62)

I prepared this LS for a high school literature course. As a kind of literature “novel” is the subject of this scenario. The subject of “novel” is studied in all classes in high school. I prepared this scenario for high school students aged 15-18 years old. In addition, this LS has international specialities. In this scenario, students analysed Nobel Prize Winner writer Orhan Pamuk’s post-modern novel “White Castle” and Cervantes’ Don Quixote which is the first novel in the literature history.

Aims of the lesson

In this scenario, the aim is to have information about the novel, to establish similarities between the first novel of history and the award-winning novel of today, to examine the relationship of novels with real life. Web 2.0 tools were used for developing ICT skills. In order to develop “Discovery Learning” skills of integration, analyzing, building relationships and intercultural skills were included.

As Flipped Classroom activities, students were supposed to read the novel “White Castle” before the lesson, and then students are supposed to take a Kahoot test to check their understanding of the topic of the novel and use QR codes. In the lesson’s first stage, we made a Google form activity to evaluating “White Castle” they read before. I asked them some questions to have them explore the similarities between the lives of two literary figure, one is the fictional character of Orhan Pamuk’s White Castle, Venetian Slave and the other is Cervantes himself.

Secondly, I showed two pictures on Prezi to spark off curiosity among students. In the picture, they saw Kılıç Ali Pasha Mosque, in the construction of which Cervantes himself worked as a slave. In the second picture, they saw Hagia Sophia Mosque which is the inspiration source for Kılıç Ali Pasha Mosque. With this second picture, I aimed to teach a little known fact which is highly connected with a widely known fact. And finally for making connections we made a second Kahoot for evaluation. In conclusion, students understood the novel characters’ relationship with real people and situations.

Discovering Europeana

At the end of the lesson, students realized that teaching and learning process is not only restricted to textbooks and they can divert their learning styles using different means of communication and media; such as Europeana and other online tools. The teacher gave a short overview of Europeana, its history, function and collections. Students have a basic knowledge of Europeana. Thanks to this website, they have learned that they can access many unique resources. Especially the photos they reached about our country excited them. They’ve never seen some of them until now.

What benefits for the students?

Pupils have noticed with various warnings about the use of resources and copyright. We have tried to raise awareness of students. They used various ICT tools during the course. This helped them develop their digital skills. Students believed that the QR code application should be installed on mobile devices. They discovered the fun side of Kahoot, Prezi and other assessment tools. They also realized that only the lessons learned using textbooks limited them. It has motivated them to start with their curiosity. But they have no access to the internet as an economical.

They understood the importance of teamwork and cooperation. They realized that a student-centred course was more participatory and fun.

Mustafa Burhan Esen
covers of Don Quixote and White Castle novel
The first novel of history: Don Quixote –
White Castle: Post-modern novel

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