A Window into the Minds of Others (LS-HU-362)

Daniel O'Connell plays chess with Lord Melbourne while Britannia watches.

The idea

The idea of this learning scenario was born during the outbreak of Covid-19 and in the need of getting closer to each other in times of social distancing. Now that the whole world is dealing with the same difficult circumstances, positive energy and good vibes are a must to reduce the negative effects of this situation.

Learning through games

This learning scenario involves the elements of gamification and was created to be used with the students of almost any age, regardless of the teaching subject. It is very interactive as it includes an online game following the rules of the well-known board game Codenames. The images of the game were collected from the Europeana website. The online board game can be shared using any video communications platform, for instance, Zoom. For making the bord, Google Sheet was used.


The preparation phase includes the following activities:

  • Brainstorming ideas and expectations about the lesson
  • Familiarizing the students with the collections of Europeana and the rules of Codenames
  • Creating the chart together by using the images of Europeana

Learning outcomes

This learning scenario makes use of collaborative learning and improves students’ creative thinking. Students need to find out how exactly the minds of their team members work which can give them a lot of joy and delight. They learn how similarly or differently we can approach the world. It also shows what meanings we can find in language and works of arts.

Codename Manual – Online Board Game

Learning Scenario

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CC BY 4.0: the featured image used to illustrate this article has been found on Europeana Collections and provided by the Wellcome Collection.

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