Advertisements – the Past, Present and Future (LS-MK-359)
Students will gather knowledge of different marketing activities, and recognize the power of marketing tools in the past, present and future (the influence of internet, social media, etc.).
The idea behind
The main idea is to let students understand how advertisements have evolved over time, changing their format and perception, and what the future holds for advertising. Through research and discussion students will learn about different promotional activities, elements of advertising, analyze the advertisement from the perspective of producers and consumer and learn how to use gathered knowledge to create an advertisement for promotion of their future business.
During this learning scenario students will discuss about the influence that different marketing tools have on the consumption of the products and how the evolution of technology influences the development of marketing. This learning scenario emphasize possibility to research, find information online, evaluate them from different perspective, make conclusions and create a product using different media.
Activity details
Student-centered learning is achieved by starting a discussion about the purpose of business promotion and why marketing is so important part of the entrepreneurship process. Different kind of promotional activities and advertising media, when and how they can be used for promotion of a business and their influence on the business’ success, were identified by the students.
The main idea of the project is to establish collaborative learning where students search about advertising through the years, conclude what was the idea of the advertisement producer and needs of a consumer, discuss about the influence that those promotion activities had on people, and how all these influence on the consumption of concrete product in that time.
Students use Europeana resources and some other online information provided by teacher, focused on development of advertising through the years. They read, analyze information, pay attention on the developing of advertising media and discuss about the trends in the marketing today. For each of the chosen advertisement students try to analyze if from different perspective, producer and consumer, to find out why it managed to have effect on people lives, to conclude what are the elements of a good advertising, and what should be taking into account when creating a promotional material for a business.
At the end of the activity, each group creates an advertisement for their business and presents their work in front of the others, explaining what they wanted to achieve and which audience they want to reach. Other students ask questions, add their thoughts, give comments and suggestions for improvement because they are seeing the advertisement with the eyes of a consumer.
Developing digital literacy skills
All the materials that students can use are put in the virtual classroom on Edmodo platform, created for this purpose, and share text, images and video od Padlet. Padlet is also used for sharing ideas, thoughts and conclusions among students. Teacher introduced them with Europeana resources, benefits from it, especially putting accent on Creative common licensing, which is something that students should be reminded continuously. Students choose the media where they will create their final advertisement starting from using simple smartphone video capturing, through Power Point presentation, to Movie Maker; the possibilities are unlimited.
The implementation of this learning scenario as project-based learning is putting students in the center of the process, where the teacher’s role is just to guide them and to enable each student to give its contribution to the discussions. Seeing advertisements from different perspective, their interpretation from the aspect of producer and consumer, identification of the elements of a good advertising and necessary steps, judgement about influence on the people, opinion about use of different digital tools, predictions about the future of advertising are some of the activities that develop students’ 21st century skills. Putting all gathered knowledge in practice when creating their own advertisement and analyzing it with their peers from different perspectives, produces students’ long-lasting knowledge and skills.
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CC BY 4.0: the featured image used to illustrate this article has been found on Europeana Collections and provided by the Wellcome Collection.