Build Your Own Autonomous Plants (LS-PL-247)

The goal of the “Build your own autonomous plants” course was to show young high school students how to do their own autonomous micro plant breeding under the name #FloraHab.

Reason for choosing the topic

This learning scenario is a continuation of previously discussed classes, such as “Virtual Printed Circuit Board – preparation for engraving or etching”, “Own PCB – transfer and pickling”, “Milling of PCB”,” 3D printing-modern available technology of the future”. Those topics were the introduction to the implementation of a large project related to the construction of an autonomous device. The Build your own autonomous plants #FloraHab project is one of the major topics implemented in extracurricular classes and fitting into European Vocational Skills.

During the classes, we focused on the general subject. Each participant was assigned a certain fragment of the task for which he was responsible and all the work was supervised by the Master / Coordinator.

To increase the attractiveness of the lecture and laboratory exercises, ICT techniques were used to introduce professional issues. To bring this topic closer, modern and ancient greenhouse gardens were shown. Finally, to search for these elements, the focus was mainly on the resources of the Europeana portal, as well as on some own materials related to the lessons from the teacher’s website.

The course of the classes

The first part of the lesson was devoted to Europeana, what information can be found on it, how to use its resources and explain the basic attributes of the platform. Then, using the Europeana search engine, the students, with the help of the teacher and peers, searched for information related to STEM, biology, electronics, programming, processing, etc. As you can see, cultural heritage combines well with such aspects of the work of a technician or engineer.

Europeana clearly shows that culture and engineering do not develop separately, but together. Every, even the smallest thing from Culture has its reflection in engineering and vice versa.

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