Catch It If You Can! (LS-TR-318)
This learning scenario was implemented online through distance learning. This year is about industrial heritage in Europe so discovering the industrial heritage of Automobiles can be funny and exciting. Let’s find out how we can solve a speed distance and time problem about early twentieth century automobiles, using Excel and Geogebra. So let’s begin.
Automobiles and Industrial Heritage
The teacher used the Europeana portal to engage the students’ curiosity in the industrial heritage pages and talk about early twentieth century automobiles. Then, the teacher asked the students if they knew any automobile brand from the first ones. The teacher also asked the students to examine the automobiles, following the given Europeana links.
Here We Go
After the examinations of the students, the teacher asked them to form groups. Each of the group members had a role: a leader, researcher, technology specialist, presenter. The teacher told them to choose an automobile brand from Europeana resources and do research on it. They had to gather information about the car like its maximum speed, breakdown distance, colour, etc.
Excel and Geogebra time
The teacher gave the students the same problem which is in the scenario and wanted them to fill the problem with the maximum speed of their automobile. Then the students were asked to watch a video about how they can solve a speed and distance problem using Excel and GeoGebra.
After watching the video the students started solving their problems related to their automobiles, took screenshots of Excel pages and GeoGebra pages and prepared an e-book presentation about their automobiles and problems. They had to use web 2.0 tools to realize their e-book or presentation. Each group presented the e-book in front of the class. Then each group assessed the others with this Rubric. At the end of the lesson, the teacher can make an assessment using Kahoot or Quizlet.
My students had lots of fun during the scenario and liked it very much. I hope you and your students will like it, too.
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The featured image used to illustrate this article has been found on Europeana Collections and belongs to the public domain.