Celebrations in Europe (EN-CUR-376)
The subject is the English Language. The topic is “Different Celebrations in Europe”. Students are expected to have an idea about the variety of celebrations across Europe so that they can understand and learn cultural differences. They learn to respect the differences, understanding the cultural background or history of specific celebrations.
First of all, the teacher will prepare questions using Mentimeter to measure the students’ awareness about the celebrations in Europe. Then students are expected to form a group of five and choose 2 countries for each group and prepare an online book through Story Jumper. Each section will include the name of the country, the name of the celebration, type of it and the history behind it( the way how it is celebrated, when and why).
They will make their research through Europeana Collections, Wikipedia, Historiana and other websites. They will prepare questions, and all will be collected by the teacher at the end of the lesson and there will be competition through Kahoot. Students also share their experiences on the Padlet.
This learning scenario has been developed during the English version of the “Europeana in your classroom: building 21st-century competences with digital cultural heritage (Rerun)” online course. The course aimed to improve teachers’ understanding of cultural heritage in order to efficiently integrate it into their lessons and practices. The courses can be accessed here.
Author: Tuba GÖREN
Age of Students: 13-14
Subject /Topic: English, Geography, History/ Celebrations in Europe
Learning Scenario:
The featured image used to illustrate this article has been found on Europeana Collections and belongs to the public domain.