Climate Change Webquest (LS-HR-285)

The Earth’s climate has been changing for millennia. However, since exact measurements were introduced, it has become obvious that the changes are alarmingly drastic and that people have to take seriously the dire warnings.

This learning scenario has been made in order to raise students’ awareness of the problem of climate change, its causes, consequences, possible solutions as well as legal and financial instruments used by the UN and the EU to cope with the problem.

A student searching for information about climate change

WebQuest – intriguing students

The learning scenario has the form of a WebQuest, a guided research and inquiry-based activity that intrigues students to consider the problem, come up with possible solutions while using higher-order thinking skills and fostering cooperative learning.

Students work in teams of 3 or 4. In the beginning, the teacher explains climate change and the concept of WebQuest. New vocabulary is dealt with using an easy online tool called LearningApps. Students are provided with the online WebQuest material in the form of an AdobeSpark web page.

The course of the lesson

On the Adobe Spark web page, students can find tasks and web links leading them to the articles containing answers and solutions. The resources used are Europeana, NASA, the United Nations and the EU official web pages. Having found the answers, students have to write a report about their findings. They present their report to the class. At the end of the lesson students summarize, in one sentence, the most important thing they have learned during the lesson. They post their answers onto Lino canvas. In order to get feedback, a Mentimeter survey is used.

A student participating in activity via learning app

Climate Change Conscious

This LS was made for one 45-minute lesson but can easily be adapted or extended by adding new tasks and resources. By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify the main causes, evidence and consequences of climate change and give examples for each. They will be able to name some solutions for climate change. They will understand the concept of sustainable development and name at least three goals of sustainable development adopted by the United Nations. They will be able to name at least one United Nations legal instrument designed in order to address the issue of climate change.

You can see some photos presenting the course of the lesson here.

Would you like to know more about this learning scenario? You can download it below:

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The featured image used to illustrate this article has been found on Europeana Collections and belongs to the public domain.

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