Creating Acoustic Levitator (EN-CUR-364)

A man leans on a stone pillar watching and listening as one girl plays a tambourine and another plays a guitar.

In this scenario, my students will learn what sound waves are, how to calculate the exact frequency of a specific note, and how to create an acoustic levitator.

The aim of the lesson is to acknowledge students that all waves can be described with physics equation and to teach them how they can calculate exact frequencies of each note. Moreover, students will find out how the first musical instruments looked like and discuss how they produced sound. An extra assignment will be to create acoustic levitator.

This learning scenario has been developed during the English version of the “Europeana in your classroom: building 21st-century competences with digital cultural heritage (Rerun)” online course. The course aimed to improve teachers’ understanding of cultural heritage in order to efficiently integrate it into their lessons and practices. The courses can be accessed here.

Author Marina Dorocki

Age of students 17 – 18

Subject and topic Physics, Music, Acoustics, sound waves and levitation

Learning Scenario

CC BY 4.0: the featured image used to illustrate this article has been found on Europeana Collections and provided by the Wellcome Collection.

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