Digital Heritage Bridge between Past, Present and Future with Digital Storytelling (LS-TR-580)

The aim of this scenario is to help students produce digital heritage by using digital storytelling. Many students can not make proper, sufficient descriptions for tangible and intangible heritage for countries. Because remember countries’ heritage is difficult by using traditional learning methods. But, when students prepare a digital heritage story about countries’ cultural heritage, it will be much easier for them. Because students will create their perceptions of cultural heritage by using digital tools. When they design their digital heritage perceptions with digital storytelling, they will able to improve their creativity via digital storytelling too. In this way, they will be able to learn and remember much more details about countries on their digital story.
- Digital Heritage
In the new world we live in, digitalization has started to have great importance in our lives with the great impact of the epidemic. Videos and photos created in the digital environment have become the footprints of internet users footprints carried into the future. Digital heritage has emerged as an expression and communication that has emerged that did not exist previously. In this sense, digital heritage is likely to become more important and more important, and more widespread over time. Especially; increasingly, individuals, countries, and communities are using digital technologies to document and express present their cultural heritage values and what they want to pass on to future generations.
- Digital Storytelling

Students design and create digital stories that involve countries about tangible heritage and intangible heritage. Students’ digital stories include both tangible and intangible cultural heritage. Thus, students learn countries’ tangible and tangible heritage effectively. Also, they will be able to projection their own interpretations of their digital heritage by creating a process. They will be able to have a chance to reflect on their comments by using digital stories (
In my opinion, when teachers who did use digital storytelling on student performance and they will increase students’ 21st-century skills, and increased motivation and engagement levels in their students. Because of this reason, the digital storytelling method is a big opportunity for teachers to use in their lessons.
As a result; I believe that if students understand cultural heritage as a whole, they will make a better future design by making a digital bridge. So, digital storytelling and web tools are very effective and fast for understanding cultural heritage and create a digital heritage for the future.
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Public Domain Mark 1.0: the featured image used to illustrate this article has been found on Europeana and has been provided by the The British Library.