Digital Learning Educational Resources (RED) in the teaching of Chemical Bonding (LS-EU-129)

In order to study the topic of chemical bonding in a different and innovative way, the Chemistry may perform investigation activities based on curriculum guidelines, which call for the development of various skills. Doing so, diverse learning environments based on the use of technology are suggested, avoiding expository and/or problem-solving lessons. In this learning scenario, the teacher provides students with an overview of the History of Learning on Chemical Bonding using Europeana, an online collaborative tool (e.g. Microsoft Teams), and some other tools.

Aim of the lesson

  • Be able to draw a schematic representation of a covalent bond, showing one or more pairs of electrons between the atoms.
  • Explain covalent bond formation with the aid of the octet rule.
  • Give examples of molecules formed through covalent bond(s).
  • Explain the formation of ions through the process of electron transfer between atoms.
  • Understand that the ionic bond is the electrostatic attraction between ions of the opposite charge.
  • Able to describe and illustrate ionic lattice using, for instance, NaCl as a model.
  • Being able to explain that the ionic compound shows the ratio of positive and negative ions.
  • Discuss the properties of compounds formed by covalent bonds: i.e. melting point, solubility and non-conductivity of electricity.T

21st century skills

  • Environmental literacy: students learn about chemical bonding.
  • Critical thinking and problem solving: students are required to think about the timeline of the study in chemical bonding;
  • Digital content creation and communication: students have to communicate the results of their activity;
  • Collaboration: students work together during the activity and presentation,
  • Information literacy: students learn which websites are reliable to find information about the subject
  • Students reflect and regulate the process developed, and update on the online collaborative platform (Microsoft Teams).

Links used for the learning scenario :

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Image : DNA double helix - Peter Artymiuk. Wellcome Collection - CC BY

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