Escape Room with Miró (LS-ES-340)
This Learning Scenario was created by Leticia Gil Ramos, a Spanish teacher working with Pre-Primary students (5-6 years old).
Playing with Miró
With this project, we intend to carry out a gamification experience through the development of different activities such as the creation of an Escape Room. The main methodology is PBL (Project Based Learning) based on the life and work of the Spanish painter, Miró. The creation of appropriate learning opportunities will take place by using Art with resources obtained by several sources such as Europeana. Thorugh playing, the students will learn aspects of the Spanish painter and his differences with other European painters.
Development of the project
At the beginning of the project the students receive a letter from the painter to help him make his new works public and known.
In order to help the painter, students need to look for information about his life and his picturesque style. We ask families for help through notes written by the children so that they can investigate from home and provide the information to other classmates in the classroom. Taking resources from Europeana and other sources, students will look for information on the internet about Miró.
Finally, students have to overcome different challenges digital (in the whiteboard such as solving puzzles with the data collected) and physical in the classroom (such as doing a Miró style collaborative painting). By means of passing the successive tests, the students will learn about the painter’s life, his works and their characteristics and help him to make his work more known, therefore solving the Escape Room.
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CC BY-SA 4.0: the featured image used to illustrate this article has been found on Europeana Collections and provided by the Sörmlands museum.