Europe and me (LS-FR-11)

This learning scenario by Jean-Christophe Jost, Europeana Ambassador for France, tackles the topic of “my identity”, in the middle school curriculum in France, which can also be implemented in any civic education class.

Jean-Christophe aims to familiarize students with family or personal memories of people, facts, objects or places elsewhere in Europe that they consider as being part of their identity. Students start out with family interviews, and compose an essay based on their interview. These stories are then peer-reviewed. The stories are finally placed on a European map. Students search for images in the Europeana Collections that would support their stories. The stories and images are pinned on a map of Europe. The map is exhibited, and stories are displayed in an online dictionary on the school website.

Self-identity is an ideal topic to make your students explore their roots and connections, learn about the story of their classmates, and discuss what being European means, and how one’s identity relates to this.

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