Exploring and questioning philosophical ideas through images (LS-EU-12)

Europeana Collections for a Philosophy class! This learning scenario can be used for any Philosophy lesson, or History lessons when it concerns propaganda and the power of images in general.

The aim of this learning scenario is to teach students philosophical thinking (analysis and critical thinking) in conjunction with visual literacy. It introduces the idea that images are not only about denoting realities, but also implicit significations (especially when they are ambiguous, symbolic, and involve emotions and imaginations). It teaches students to:

(1) Define and use philosophical concepts;
(2) Exercise their intellectual competence through analysis and questioning;
(3) Move from the concrete to the abstract or vice versa,
(4) Exercise their capacity to engage in debate.

The scenario consists of searching in groups for images in the Europeana Collections that relate to a given philosophical concept (e.g. law), and ultimately delivering a presentation about how the selected images relate to the philosophical concept.

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The featured image used to illustrate this article belongs to the public domain. Click here to find it.

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