Globalization, national and European identity (LS-RO-30)

Undertanding globalization and national identity

The Learning Scenario implemented by Matei Dan from Romania, explains students how globalization and national identity become realities of the contemporary world. We have the process of globalization, seen both as a natural process and as a guided process. On the other hand, we have the response of the cultural universe, better said, of the cultural heritage of each nation.

Globalization includes the export and the imposition of Western cultural and socio-economic models defined as a new situation of building a planetary system characterized by an enormous communication capacity, and informational exchanges on a planetary scale. Globalization, as a phenomenon and process, has altered the way of life of the individual and communities, regardless of their size, in all fields, from economic to social, cultural, spiritual and political.

Practically, globalization means, at the same time, freedom and dependence, uniformity, free movement of goods, people and ideas on a global scale.

Cohabitation in a globalized world

In the didactic scenario on globalization, national and European identity, students learnt about the concepts of globalization, cultural diversity, international community, dignity, cohabitation, and understanding of human rights in a globalized world. Europeana collections have been used in order to provide material about globalization. Especially as a means of information for the teacher. Academic research articles and presentations proved valuable resources to cover the subject. The students could then discover the types of globalization, the causes of globalization and its effects. In order to fathom these concepts, students discussed the terms of globalization in working groups, were encouraged to promote values such as tolerance, respect, freedom, equality, justice, and dignity

During the lesson, students were divided into groups of four. The opinions and ideas of each group were presented to the class by one of their representatives. Even when there was only one correct answer in a given situation, the students still discovered that there are different ways of reaching it, having the opportunity to exercise their reasoning.

The lesson ended with a debate to discuss a topic related to the European Union.

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