Greek Canon (LS-HR-34)

The learning scenario ‘Greek Canon’ has been developed by Nataša Tram as part of the Europeana DSI-4 project, Croatian user group.

An introduction to Greek culture

The learning scenario is for Art History teachers and was implemented in the 2nd class of high school(16-year-olds) with 20 students. The topic of the scenario is Greek sculpture and it fits into the Croatian curriculum for the 2nd class(Antique Art). The aim of the scenario is to explore, analyze, compare and recognize different approaches to the shaping of the human body in Greek sculpture. The scenario develops students’ collaborative skills, creativity, critical thinking, and ICT skills.

Measuring, comparing, feeling: an introduction to Greek culture

During the lesson, students have examined the proportions of their own body through various types of Greek canon (through analyzing both male and female sculpture). The first activity of measuring their own proportions prompted students’ curiosity. After the measurement, the students compared scores with other students. Through this activity, the relaxed atmosphere in the classroom was established. Through the second activity, the students were involved in the research of the male body, using the  Europeana resources. They also carried out a graphic analysis on the worksheet by comparing the composition and determining the canon.

The emotional reaction of the students could be seen in the moments when they had to place themselves in the position of the sculptures.

Using collaboration and teamwork to integrate new concepts

In the third activity, students have learned about the Greek female sculpture using Europeana collections and  Lino it board. There was enough time for each activity to allow them to explore and reflect on the beauty of the male and female body, and to express their opinions. Indeed, mutual communication and collaboration were visible throughout the whole lesson. In order to stimulate the different abilities of students, groups work were formed, and pair working methods were used. As a result, students came to conclusions and results by themselves through mutual collaboration. However, the role of the teacher was that of a facilitator.
Above all, students were extremely interested in the activities and were sincerely involved in the work.

Overall, students showed a high level of participation. The exit slip, in the form of a Kahoot quiz, revealed the adoption of the concepts of the Greek sculpture, and students enjoyed showing their new knowledge in the quiz.

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