GREEN iT! (LS-PT-274)

Indeed, we are social beings. So, all good relationships are of the utmost importance for our wellbeing.

GREEN iT! (Global Resilient Environmentally Energetic Neighbours in Teaching!)

As a result, the leitmotif of this Learning Scenario was the discussion of “What makes a good neighbour” in the world we live in.

Who we are

I teach both English and Citizenship to these 12/13-year-old students, 19 altogether. I am also their Form Teacher. Therefore, I am with them in many activities at school. I started teaching them in September 2019 and, hopefully, I will be their teacher till they finish year 9.

So, I want them to realize that a foreign language facilitates access to information and technology and helps build our multicultural and global identity.

Reasons for the Learning Scenario

I designed this learning scenario aiming at developing the students’ literacy in the English language, helping them understand the great asset Europeana is, the sequence of the story in The Curious Garden, by Peter Brown, and the common themes in English and Citizenship, for instance.

Apart from reinforcing learning within and across subjects, I also wanted my students to:

  • understand when it is advisable to use mobile devices,
  • spend time with their peers,
  • be aware of the power of their actions, within their school community,
  • be attentive to the issues the world we live in is facing,
  • as well as develop a sense of belonging to a school, a community, Europe.


(Global Resilient Environmentally Energetic Neighbours in Teaching!), the students were able to:

  • experience meaningful learning experiences,
  • acquire knowledge about Europeana,
  • develop literacy in the English language,
  • get involved in collaborative activities, in and outside the classroom.

Additionally, the students learned how to:

  • use digital devices safely, respectfully and responsibly,
  • read information and
  • develop both their autonomy and their resilience.

Some results and feedback

As an illustration, 94% of the students took part in the Flipped Classroom activities about Europeana and The Curious Garden in the Google Form and LearningApps. Regarding the last Flipped Classroom activity, only 57% of the students accomplished it. Nevertheless, they rated the quality of their work, engagement, and resilience as Very Good. However, I still need to check what didn’t work for the others, not only to improve the assignment but also to have their full responsibility as well as their engagement.

Good neighbours at school…

Respect everyone, help the environment and motivate others.

Follow-up activities


Additionally, the students will write articles about the resources they used and the activities they took part in. Then, they will send the articles to the eTwinning partners: Green Ambassadors@work and Let’s Geopark! Projects.

Important dates

Finally, we (the students and I) want to turn GREEN iT! into a project. In fact, we are already getting ready for Outdoor Classroom Day and for World/European Neighbours’ Day. Meanwhile, as I am the Coordinator of year 7 and we want to be Good Green Neighbours, we will involve the other year 7 students and teachers. 

Would you like to know more about this learning scenario? You can download it below:

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CC BY-NC 4.0: the featured image used to illustrate this learning scenario has been found on Europeana Collections and has been provided by the Historical Archives of the American Farm School of Thessaloniki, Greece.

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