Greetings from the Past (LS-HR-17)
This learning scenario is meant to be used with students who have no prior knowledge of Europeana and are using it for the first time. It has been implemented with the seventh graders (13 year olds) during English class.
Step 1 : introduction to the Europeana Collections
As the introduction, the teacher gave a short overview of Europeana, its history, function, and collections. The students were divided into teams and their task was to find the specific information about the four vintage postcards and the depicted landmarks following instructions in four respective worksheets. By answering questions, the students learned how to navigate through Europeana, how to find the key information, and how to identify important facts in a text.
Step 2 : sharing knowledge
After that, students in turn presented their findings in front of the class. The Kahoot quiz was used as the instrument to assess what they had learned and how they had felt about the activity. Using the four worksheets and basic information about Europeana, the informative poster was made for the classroom bulletin board. After the lesson, using Google questionnaire, the teacher collected information about how the students had felt during the lesson, what skills and competences they had acquired, and if they would use Europeana again. All information and learning material about the learning scenario have been uploaded on the website in order to ensure sustainability. Click here to discover it.
Overall achievement
The aims of the lesson have been fulfilled: the students have learned how to use Europeana, how to find the key information about items, they have improved their team work, critical thinking, collaboration skills, online research abilities, presentation skills, digital, linguistic and civic competences. Finally, the students enjoyed the lesson as a welcome departure from the textbook-based lessons. The focus of the lesson was shifted from the teacher towards the students. They had the chance to take autonomous decisions and to take responsibility over their learning process.
Find here the photos taken during the lesson.
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The featured image used to illustrate this article belongs to the public domain. Click here to find it.