History of puppets (LS-FR-52)

In our city and the world

This scenario is about the history of puppets. It was designed for young students of Turkish mother tongue leaving in the city of Charleville Mézières, France. This city hosts a famous yearly Puppets festival and the scenario was built using this strong local background. This helps students to figure out if there is a tangible or intangible World heritage in their city. Although developed in the “World Capital of Puppets”, this scenario can easily be extended or adapted to a broader public.

Aim of the lesson

The aim of the “History of Puppets” scenario is to explore this topic both in students’ culture and in other cities cultures. It is also to distinguish similarities and differences between cultures. The need for images was important and Europeana, as a multicultural resources provider, could give access to interesting material.

With the help of the Europeana Collections students have made virtual visits to museums and they have performed searches about the puppet history, using visual and also literal documents. The activity with Europeana was not only about retrieving information but also about classifying all the puppets material considering shape, age, and so on. To do so, students have used web 2.0 tools such as mindmeister.

Creating their own puppets

During the progress of this scenario, students are asked to make their own concrete puppets. In addition, they create digital puppets using online tool. In group work, they have to write a story with their puppets and read, present their works.

HP reval-augmented reality application and QR CODES are used to produce students’ works. Furthermore, all of the works shall be embedded on the project dedicated website www.thehistoryofpuppet.weebly.com-. This website shows the progress in time of the students activity.

Rather than a summative assessment student, rubrics shall be used for peer to peer assessment in a formative way.

A word about the author and the learning background.

Yıldız Erdoğmuş is an English teacher and eTwinnig ambassador. She works as an ELCO Turkish and Turkish culture teacher in Charleville Meziere-France. The ELCO program covers nine countries: Algeria, Croatia, Spain, Italy, Morocco, Portugal, Serbia, Tunisia and Turkey and is directed towards children of migrant workers.

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CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 – The featured image used to illustrate this article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution. It can be found on theBattersea Arts Centre webiste. It has been resized and labelled to illustrate this article. To find the original image click here.

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