In love with Africa (LS-IT-29)

A project-based learning scenario

This learning scenario, created by Vittoria Volterrani, combines the project-based learning method with 2 different Europeana Collections: ON SAFARI Gallen-Kallela in Africa and LEAVING EUROPE: A NEW LIFE IN AMERICA.

Project-based learning (PBL) is a student-driven methodology, strictly connected to competencies and real life. It always starts from the reality and it finishes with a public presentation of the products realized by the pupils.

The scenario is designed for students aged between 9-10 years (suitable also for students 11 to 14 years). It aspires to raise awareness about Africa. The activity leads kids to appreciate the beauties of this continent and understand the problems that foster the migration phenomena. It also focuses on a comparison among past and present migration.

Smell the African air

After a first brainstorming about students’ previous knowledge, kids are led in a first Africa discovery through ART, to perceive colours and emotions, smell the African air.
Africa discovery through ART, to perceive colours and emotions, smell the African air ng Google Earth(R), students in groups of four, caught real images to start reasoning about peculiarities and causes and effects.

After the Driven Question:” How can we show the beauty of Africa to families and other students in an interactive exhibition?”, each group decided an aspect to focus on, a web tool to realize their digital products and the whole group managed the exhibition organization.

The exhibition

The exhibition was held at school. Each class was used as a learning station and parents have been accompanied by kids in a step by step discovering path of landscapes, climates, flora, fauna, art, and products of Africa.

At the end of the experience, we organized a discussion among children and parents about migration in the past and in the present. Participation in this activity increases awareness about migration in European history because it is natural for humanity to chase a better future.

Do you want to watch the trailer of the experience? Click below!

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