In My Shoes (LS-HR-303)

This learning scenario promotes critical thinking and the use of imagination – a skill we often leave behind, even though it is the starting point of all invention and exploration.

The power of imagination

The scenario deals with student’s imagination abilities, as well as enriching their English vocabulary and grammar skills. The students are presented with a variety of images/videos from the Europeana Collections. Their task is to imagine they are a famous explorer from the past who travelled to different places from the photos, and they have to describe the photos/videos in a form of short compositions/photo captions. The students then present their work in front of the class, or alternatively – create a school exhibition, presenting photos from the Europeana with image captions they created, in a series of posters.

Teaching grammar

Learning grammar is sometimes not too interesting for students. However, when we shift the teaching method from standard to a different approach, students become more engaged.

The learning scenario can be used with various age groups, depending on the curriculum needs. Since it addresses the reinforcement of past tenses, it is versatile and easily adaptable.

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CC BY-SA 3.0: the featured image used to illustrate this article has been found on Europeana Collections and provided by the Deventer Musea.

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