In the instrumental fairy tale – discovering the insights (LS-PL-49)

Have you ever considered teaching about musical instruments in the context of Cultural Heritage? This learning scenario gives you a good example of how to do it with Europeana.

Introductory info

The author of this learning scenario is Małgorzata Filip.  Particularly, it was intended for English as a foreign language class in the Music School. However, it can easily  be implemented in any other type of school. It can also be appropriate for Literature, Art or History of Music classes.


The intention of the scenario is to enlarge students’  knowledge of musical instruments in the aspect of cultural heritage. Firstly, students search for information on Europeana curated exhibition so they can solve the Kahoot quiz. Secondly, students get familiar with Europeana –pro, MIMO, a fantastic tool that gives access to digital content and information on the collections of musical instruments held in European museums. QR codes make discovering the required pages easier and faster. Thirdly, students decide what instrument they want to find more information about. Their task is to focus on instruments in rites and rituals. Finally, students collect the data on a shared Google document and they comment on it.


If you want to see a part of the final project click here.

More pictures below.


On the whole, the scenario is involving, engaging and challenging. Most noteworthy is that the students’ comments were positive. Therefore, I can assume they truly enjoyed it. Additionally, it was an escape from their course book and gave them a lot of autonomy during group work.


To conclude, I believe I managed to implement the scenario successfully and achieve all its aims. Moreover, the trends and 21st-century skills applied in the scenario guarantee it is attractive to students and effective.

If you  would like to know more about this learning scenario, click below:

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CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 – The featured image used to illustrate this article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution. It has been provided by MIMO – Musical Instrument Museums Online. Click here to find the original image.

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