It’s a Colourful World (LS-MT-341)

Colour vision

Colour is all around us. This lesson uses the creative value that colours offer as a linguistic tool. From this Learning Scenario, Educators would elicit similes and metaphor that relate to colours. This LS can also be used as an impetus to start a discussion of colour usage/symbolism in everyday life.

The Objectives of this Learning Scenario are:

Bloom’s Taxonomy ParametersStudent ObjectiveType of Intelligence engaged
RememberWhen and where to use similes and metaphors.Verbal-linguistic
UnderstandMake use of colour to emote feelings and self-expression.Visual-spatial
ApplyUtilise pre-existing similes and metaphors of colour during conversation, writing and self-expression. Intrapersonal
Bodily kinaesthetic
Spatial Verbal-linguistic
AnalyzeCompare different similes with the psychological annotations that colours bring.Interpersonal
EvaluateAppraise how colour is interpreted in nature and the use of colour in everyday life.Intrapersonal
Nature Smart
CreateCreate new similes related to colour to express their emotions.Intrapersonal

Outline of the Learning Scenario

In a vibrant short snapshot, this Learning Scenario includes:

  • Pair work activities using classroom realia as examples
  • Online resources usage from the Europeana Website
  • Using the psychology colour wheel to instigate further elicitation
  • Referring to modern films to inspire students to create new similes and metaphors

A snippet from the LS done online

Here the Educator used an online Interactive whiteboard to address similes. He used the pictures provided by Europeana to elicit examples from his students.

The Psychology Colour Wheel

The use of the colour psychology wheel for this LS, is to draw attention of how colours may instigate an emotion and/or a feeling. This was used to inspire learners to draw more emotions and feelings when creating similes (as the example in the previous photo shows).

I’m intrigued, let’s do this!

If you think that this concept will be suitable for your class then click on the links below for a more detailed version of this LS. One tip from Educator to Educator: Be Colourfully Creative!

Would you like to know more about this learning scenario? You can download it below:

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CC BY 4.0: the featured image used to illustrate this article has been found on Europeana Collections and provided by the Wellcome Collection.

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