Let’s Discover Easter Eggs Decoration! (LS-RO-523)


The learning scenario I created is called “Let’s Discover Easter Eggs Decoration! There is a bit of inspiration taken from resources founded in the Teaching With Europeana blog. I teach nine students with moderate mental disabilities, 13-17 years old, so I made some adaptations of the sources.

The project covers several curricular areas, such as history, painting, practical skills, communication and online technology.

Learning process

The classes were conducted in April 2020 during online lessons using https://zoom.us/.

My students watched some videos I found on the European blog in which the main theme was the Easter holidays. The students were asked when to decorate eggs, what are the techniques they watched and if these habits are still preserved. Students are asked to search Europeana collections to identify Easter eggs related to the Romanian traditions and Easter eggs from other countries. At the end of the activity they presented a poster with what they learned about decorating Easter eggs.

Learning outcomes

The learning outcomes are the following: the ability of students with special educational needs to communicate in various contexts, and here I am referring to the egg painting technique; knowledge of Romanian and European Easter traditions; the ability to decorate Easter eggs and familiarization with old and new Easter traditions from Romania and from Europe; developing technological skills in search of resources on the European platform and making a poster online.

Final thoughts

For this scenario I had planned 2 hours and that was sufficient time for implementing it. The aims of the lesson have been fulfilled; the students have learned how to use Europeana and find information and how to make eggs decoration. They have improved their teamwork and collaboration skills, online research abilities and handwork skills. Finally, my students enjoyed the lesson.

Would you like to know more about this learning scenario? You can download it below:

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CC BY 4.0: the featured image used to illustrate this article has been found on Europeana Collections and provided by the Déri Múzeum – Debrecen.

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