The Most Important Inventions and Discoveries (EN – CUR – 764)
In this scenario students learn about the most important inventors or human achievements in fields of history, science and art. This LS …
In this scenario students learn about the most important inventors or human achievements in fields of history, science and art. This LS …
Countries from the Soviet block are still dealing with this part of their history. Still, there are two parties that are fighting …
How humans view and relate to animals depends on the context (culture, time period, environmental circumstances …) they live in. In this …
This Learning Scenario has been designed to make students reflect on the changes in the art of making hats, in the popularity …
In this lesson, students will explore the theme of migration through the lens of art and personal narratives. They will analyze paintings …
In our increasingly high-tech, globalised world, the nature of conflict has changed drastically, but still there are too many casualties among civilians, …
A teaching scenario which will help the teacher to enable students to learn about the powerful propaganda role of the artwork in …
Ovaj scenarij poučavanja naziva „Wenn die Wände sprechen könnten“ (Kada bi zidovi mogli govoriti) potiče na razmišljanje o važnosti i utjecaju povijesne i …
Prema UN-u, ciljevi održivog razvoja (globalni ciljevi) univerzalni su poziv na akciju za okončanje siromaštva, zaštitu planeta i osiguranje da do 2030. …
Το Σενάριο Μάθησης στοχεύει στην καλλιέργεια των γλωσσικών δεξιοτήτων των μαθητών/τριών στη νέα ελληνική γλώσσα (μητρική γλώσσα) και στον εμπλουτισμό του λεξιλογίου …