The Magic of Nature, Culture and Life – UNESCO Heritage in the Mobile Tour (LS-PL-792)
The Grand Tour In the 17th and 18th centuries, the Grand Tour was the custom of a traditional educational trip around Europe, …
The Grand Tour In the 17th and 18th centuries, the Grand Tour was the custom of a traditional educational trip around Europe, …
This learning scenario is based on several British and German propaganda posters calling women to duty in the Second World War and …
Scenariul realizat pentru Curriculum la decizia școlii (CDȘ) cu titlul: “Europa și europenii” dorește să familiarizeze elevii cu valorificarea patrimoniului cultural European …
Scenariul urmărește să reconstituie, să scoată la lumina zilei trecutul misterios al manuscriselor, locul lor în istoria scrisă a omenirii, prin intermediul …
This scenario was prepared for the purpose of applying theoretical trainings to learn how to create virtual spaces. These trainings will be …
The scenario is designed to introduce the Middle Ages as part of a literary period which related to churches and castles. The …
The present learning scenario aims at offering a pattern of collaborative learning in which CLIL and critical thinking skills are developed. It …
The learning scenario (LS) “WebQuest: Every Carnival has a Story” aims to familiarize young learners with carnival celebrations across Europe so that …
This learning scenario uses a the Actionboud application (web 2.0 based) to actualize local cultural heritage (tangible or intangible) and bring IT …
Countries from the Soviet block are still dealing with this part of their history. Still, there are two parties that are fighting …