Art Nouveau – What Makes It Unique and Universal in Europe (EN-CUR-190)

During this lesson, students do research on materials referring to European cultural heritage available online (Europeana Collections and Wikipedia) and talk about art in English. They use ICT, practice 21st-century skills and develop their creativity as well as exercise peer learning and flipped classroom methods and enjoy some elements of gamification/edutainment.

This learning scenario has been developed during the English version of the “Europeana in your classroom: building 21st-century competences with digital cultural heritage” online course. The course aimed to improve teachers’ understanding of cultural heritage in order to efficiently integrate it into their lessons and practices. The courses can be accessed here.

Authors: Małgorzata Malczyk

Age of students: 16-19

Subject and topic: English as a Foreign Language, Art History, Geography, ICT, Arts, Art Nouveau in Europe

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