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Pictură și Ecosistem (RO-CUR-778)

Elevii de la liceul nostru la Calificarea Tehnician ecolog și protecția calității mediului, din Domeniul Tehnic: Protecția mediului, studiază în clasa a …

Τα δέντρα, η ζωή μας (EL-CUR-752)

Το σενάριο αυτό έχει σχεδιαστεί για να δώσει στα παιδιά ερεθίσματα για τη αειφόρα και την περιβαλλοντολογική εκπαίδευση, να ευαισθητοποιηθούν σε θέματα …

Tree for the mind (LS-HR-736)

All humans are part of nature. Our bodies as well as our minds are intertwined with all living on earth. This scenario, …

Garbage Museum (LS-TR-734)

This scenario sets out from the idea of protecting our world, which is the goal of the Sustainable Development Goals. The effective …

Zeleni vikend (HR-CUR-678)

Ovaj scenarij učenja ima za cilj istražiti zelene, ekološki prihvatljive načine putovanja i ‘zelene’ turističke destinacije. Zdrav i atraktivan okoliš jedan je …

Our Everyday Hardware (LS-HR-631)

The learning scenario highlights and explains the differences between old computer parts and modern computer parts housed in modern computer cases. Is …

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