Still Life, Dead Nature (LS-PL-793)
Context The learning scenario Still Life, Dead Nature was conceived as a blend of contents regarding history of art and civil engagement. …
Context The learning scenario Still Life, Dead Nature was conceived as a blend of contents regarding history of art and civil engagement. …
This learning scenario is based on several British and German propaganda posters calling women to duty in the Second World War and …
Contraception is a case with a long history. It is absolutely in line with women’s rights. This history extends from the …
This scenario sets out from the idea of protecting our world, which is the goal of the Sustainable Development Goals. The effective …
The 20th century history is marked by important changes in women social status. In this respect, WWI is considered to be the …
Introduction NFT stands for ‘’non-fungible token.’’ The uniqueness of NFT means it cannot be exchanged for any value other than its own …
The context for the implementation The nearby territory offers significant heritage elements that allow using of simulation as a teaching and learning …
Context for the implementation This Learning Scenario was implemented with a group of Spanish students in the last year of high school …
Ovaj scenarij poučavanja osmišljen je kako bi se učenici upoznali s pojmom algoritma i kako ih dijelimo. Jedna od četiri domene predmeta …
This is a learning scenario for the subject of English as a foreign language (CEFR level B2). Students will explore how Giuseppe …