Visualizing Women in Art: Women as Art Creators and as Protagonists of Artistic Creations (LS-ES-711)
Context for the implementation This Learning Scenario was implemented with a group of Spanish students in the last year of high school …
Context for the implementation This Learning Scenario was implemented with a group of Spanish students in the last year of high school …
Introduction With this learning scenario 12th grade students will repeat the previous content on the topic of nuclear physics. To make students …
Poučavanje o izumima i otkrićima u učenicima potiče radoznalost, učenje o vlastitoj kulturi, učenje o povijesti te poduzetnost. Ovaj scenarij poučavanja osmišljen …
Učenici u sklopu nastavne teme Pitagorin poučak, u nastavi matematike 8. razreda, istražuju život i djelo Pitagore. Metodom obrnute učionice učenici istražuju …
Lo scenario educativo propone un viaggio immaginario nei paesi di lingua francese, per conoscere le dimensioni culturali di stati francofoni e stimolare …
U ovom scenariju podučavanja predstavlja se online vršnjačko podučavanje dvije (umjetničke) škole fizički udaljene (umjetnička škola u Splitu i umjetnička škola u …
Ovaj scenarij poučavanja osmišljen je kako bi se učenici upoznali s pojmom algoritma i kako ih dijelimo. Jedna od četiri domene predmeta …
Introduction In a time when information spreads rapidly from one place in the world to another, combined with a series of undesirable …
If you could build your medieval castle, what would it look like? If you could live in your own castle, as a …
This project-based learning scenario was created by Class Teacher Umut Şencan from Turkey. In this scenario, the students will discover how lighthouses …