Oil painting Diary (LS-HU-222)

This Learning Scenario focuses on two key elements in language learning and teaching: pictures and writing.


Picture description is somehow part of most language exams. However, the traditional way of saying what we can see in the picture can be boring for today’s teenagers. Therefore I tried to reshape it.

Writing is a difficult task to teach. In my teaching, it needed some improvements so I combined these two fields and gave them a new perspective.


I used a map from Europeana to introduce the birthplace of the paintings we implemented later on. For vocabulary revision, I used the more traditional bottle caps method which worked quite well.

I used Popplet to create a mind map which I sent to my students, so they could get back to the vocabulary we collected.

Picture description and drawing were combined in the next task. For this, I also used oil paintings from Europeana. I used ‘Oil painting’ as a filter.

Considering the writing part, I introduced the form of different diaries through a traditional classic diary ( The Diary of Anne Frank) and a modern classic diary (The Diary of a Wimpy Kid). Students read a bit from each book and they had a comprehension check with Quizizz.

Finally, they got the task to write their own imaginary diaries for a week based on certain oil paintings found on Europeana. We used Google classroom to collect their works.

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The first and second images used to illustrate this article belong to the public domain.

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