Outdoor Learning – Riverside Heritage and Agriculture (LS-PT-583)

Water mill, Ferreira river and Grouping Schools of Vilela


Classrooms without walls – sometimes it is advisable to take the classroom to outside spaces, preferably in the vicinity of the school, demonstrating to students that it is possible to have learning experiences in the lived space. Knowing how to recognize the existing heritage in the surroundings of water courses, buildings, ancestral agricultural technologies, the way man adapted to the environment and the way he made the use of water more profitable are the strong features of this learning scenario. In addition, it includes a visit to a small mill and a conversation with a local farmer.


Combining the analogical and the digital

This learning scenario intends to combine the knowledge of the lived space with a set of Web 2.0 tools, so that students look at their territory, develop critical observation and analysis skills, learning to mobilize knowledge and skills for digital component training environments.

The learning experience

This learning experience has a transdisciplinary character, however, it can fit very well with the disciplines of Geography and History. In geography it can fit whenever themes about water and agriculture are approached. In history, it can fit into themes associated with the study of local heritage and traditions. Depending on the target group, the experience can take on several layers of complexity, which can be associated with different levels of education. Throughout the experience, students develop skills associated with the observation and identification of heritage elements of the experienced space, learn to recognize their cultural heritage and value the territory.

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CC0 1.0 Universal: the featured image used to illustrate this article has been found on Europeana and has been provided by the Statens Museum for Kunst.

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