Paintings that tell stories (LS-PT-70)

‘Paintings that tell stories’ was designed from Europeana’s digital cultural heritage: Art Collections. The learning scenario addresses a pedagogical experience of curricular articulation between Arts Education and other areas of knowledge. To respond to the challenge of curricular flexibility, project work was made to create artistic contexts. Students worked as producers of their learning to foster the development of research skills, critical and autonomous mobilization of information, communication, creativity and innovation.

Based on research work in Art Collections, the senior students of the 1st cycle, 2nd grade, explored the work and artistic movement of the Dutch painter Jacob Maris. They worked in order to make the painter known to kindergarten students.

Classroom implementation

In turn, both groups made decisions and selected, from Europeana, the paintings they wanted to reinterpret. All the students created their works according to several languages and perspectives. At the same time, they did the reading/interpretation of one of the works and constructed a collaborative narrative. Then they created Audio QR codes to accompany the final exhibition and respective auction of works for the family and community. Padlet served to record all actions that had been taken, educational materials produced and even tutorials and apps to assist teachers.

In this process, the teachers involved, two educators, two teachers from the 1st cycle and the librarian teacher, were present as facilitators, in the negotiation process. they were monitoring and making decisions, given the young age of the students. They performed a global assessment to measure the satisfaction of both groups during their participation in this activity. To do this we used a questionnaire, in scale, in the Mentimeter app regarding the way they position themselves in this type of interaction between cycles and, also, what their personal contribution for the process and for the final product was.

Learning scenario evaluation

The evaluation was very positive and the objectives of this learning activity were achieved. In fact, new methodologies and practices had experimented. In which, in addition to valuing disciplinary knowledge, the development of skills, values and attitudes in line with national and international references, were also valued in the sphere of cultural heritage.

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