People’s lives in World War I (EN-CUR-172)

The aim of the following learning scenario is to help students understand the conditions of people’s lives during the World War I, the problems that they had to face every day, the means they used to overcome them and the impact of the war on them so that students can understand that the war affects people’s lives in various ways. Additionally, students can get used to using ICT tools and preparing group presentations to deliver in front of their peers.

This learning scenario has been developed during the English version of the “Europeana in your classroom: building 21st-century competences with digital cultural heritage” online course. The course aimed to improve teachers’ understanding of cultural heritage in order to efficiently integrate it into their lessons and practices. The courses can be accessed here.

Authors: Maria Gkoumpili

Age of students: 15-16

Subject and topic: History, ICT, English, French

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