Power Stations: geolocation and natural resources (LS-EU-584)

The main goal of this learning scenario is for the students to realize the great efforts all the countries have been making to generate their energy. The importance of the location of energy production plants in a country must be analysed by the students and the benefits of each type of energy. Still, students must also understand the disadvantages they produce.

The students will work with the Europeana galleries (example), searching for the main power stations and ways of generating energy in an area or country. They would have to geolocate the power stations with some API (Application Interface Programming, installed on a computer or just used on the web). In our case we did the geographically location of the Power Plants with OpenStreetMap. We introduced, with a short video, the way to use this application, and then the teacher did a short demonstration on the geolocation of one Power Plant.

Hemweg power plant, Amsterdam (Europeana Foundation, CC BY-SA)

The students will also show on a map the area where the power station is located. This map will display the natural resources and human resources that are affected, in any way, by this power plant. The students were asked to search for the visual and environmental impact of the Power Plant in the area.

After they finished the activity we did a short form (link in the LS) to do the evaluation of the activity, with very interesting results.

Obras de la central nuclear de Almaraz, Cáceres (Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural de España – CC BY-NC-ND)

El principal objetivo de este Escenario de Aprendizaje es que los estudiantes sean conscientes del gran esfuerzo que han venido haciendo todos los países para generar su propia energía. La importancia de la localización de las centrales de producción de energía en un país debe ser analizada, así como los beneficios de cada tipo de energía, pero también debemos comprender las desventajas que producen.

Los estudiantes trabajarán con las galerías de Europeana, para buscar las principales centrales de producción de energía en una zona o país. Asimismo, deberán geolocalizar estas centrales con alguna aplicación.

Posteriormente presentarán un mapa de la zona en la que está localizada, señalando los recursos naturales y humanos que se ven afectados por la central.

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CC BY-SA 4.0: the featured image used to illustrate this article has been found on Europeana and has been provided by the Europeana Foundation.

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