Shall we meet at the harbour? (LS-GR-19)
The Learning Scenario created by Angeliki Kougiourouki is organized around the seaside settlements in Greece and more specifically, the port of Alexandroupolis, its history and its evolution over the time. At first, students discuss the reasons why people since ancient times sought to create their cities near the sea and the advantages that a coast region has. Then they visit Europeana’s platform and, on the occasion of viewing the «Trawlers, harbours and fishing communities» gallery, they start exploring the history of their home city’s port. This way students learn about the role it has been playing in the life of the local inhabitants as a meeting point of people, cultures, trade or migration, as well as an important landmark of Cultural Heritage.
Europeana and eTwinning
Collaborating in 4 teams, students create a (1) timeline of the port’s evolution, (2) a .ppt presentation about the port, (3) a map gallery with ports from various places in Europe and (4) a gallery of ports in painting using material from Europeana as well as local maps and paintings.
The activities of this LS will also be the starting point of an eTwinning project between Greece, Azerbaijan and Italy, during which students from the three participant countries will have the opportunity to work collaboratively, using material from the Europeana Collections, aided by English language and technology.
As a follow-up activity, students explore Catania’s port and create a timeline to present the evolution of this port and on second time, with the “eTwinning boat” as a navigator, they will “travel” to the ports of the three partner countries to get to know them as well as produce collaborative products.
Concluding the activities, students play a quiz game to test their knowledge on what they learned, asses their collaborative work using the Europeana DSI-3_Students_rubric and present their work to the whole class as well as to their partners through the project’s platform.
The implementation of this LS made students feel excited while discussing the reasons that forced people since the ancient times to create cities near the sea as well as the advantages that a seaside area. They also enjoyed the activity while writing what they found out using a web tool. During the Exploration and creation phase, they used the school’s computer lab. Internet connection problems (both of the exhibition teams chose the emaze tool) did not discourage them. They decided to dedicate their break to finish the work. Helping students with instructions on how to use the new web tools was one of my priorities. We also dedicated extra time to visit the Twinspace of our eTwinning project and reflect on the common tasks we had there using Europeana.
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