(stereo)Typical Women (LS-HU-263)

This learning scenario is the second part of the international eTwinning project entitled Our culture is our gif(t). This includes the second month of our learning landscape, approximately 6-8 lessons. Each month focuses on a democratic value and a famous international day related to it.

Democratic values and famous dates

Value: gender equality

Retrat de Stella Brandow al volant d’un cotxe, i Samuel Arden Brandow dret davant del cotxe.

Famous day: 25 November – International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

Also: 16 days of activism against gender-based violence

Two women attending a man in bed and appealing to Sansovino's Virgin and Child. Oil painting by an Italian painter, 1888.   Wellcome Collection -CC BY
Two women attending a man in bed and appealing to Sansovino’s Virgin and Child. Oil painting by an Italian painter, 1888. Wellcome Collection -CC BY

Tasks and outcomes

Students brainstorm some stereotypical qualities associated with women in an Ideaboardz table. Then they look for cultural artefacts on Europeana portraying ladies that they are going to turn into memes related to the role of women in modern society.

Due to the fact that most of my students in a vocational school are boys, they let their imagination free and came up with some really funny stereotypical concepts. Once creating the meme, we also discussed if the notion behind it was true or not.

After the meme, students can come up with a comic using Stripgenerator or Powtoon about women using technology like this is something topical also- I teach in IT students, a profession where the number of women employees tends to be lower.

We make a mindmap about discrimination, then we create a shared international presentation about outstanding women in our countries. We look up ladies who have achieved something great and lasting. It is a good way to get familiar with your own culture and also get to know others.

Europeana in vocational education

My students are going to be IT specialists and culture cannot be further away from their everyday studies. But connecting cultural artefacts and technology, by turning them into modern-day products, students can get a feel of culture in the IT classroom.

The idea behind

Discrimination and stereotyping is a current problem to deal with these days when we tend to put people in categories and boxes. Thinking outside these boxes is pushing our own boundaries, but we must remember that at school we teach not only the given materials but also basic social skills.

During this part of the project, we also supported the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence campaign by posting on social media each day.

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The featured image used to illustrate this article has been found on Europeana and belongs to the public domain.

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