The Baroque Style (LS-RO-245)

The purpose of this Learning Scenario created by Geanina Turcanu from Romania is to guide students to identify the Baroque style characteristics and also to compare the Renaissance style and the Baroque style.

The Baroque style is a lesson from the Romanian national curriculum which we teach in the 6th grade. The children watched a video in which the baroque style was analyzed and compared to the Renaissance style.

Class organization

The students are organized in groups and asked to use Europeana resources to analyze paintings in both the Baroque and Renaissance style.

They are asked to imagine themselves working in an art gallery and to present a description of their work. Working in groups, they have to identify in the paintings the specific elements of the Baroque and Renaissance style.

After identifying and analyzing different paintings students described them as they were a custodian of a museum. During the activity they used their creativity and communication skills and the lesson proved to be very dynamic. Critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity were the 21st-century skills developed during this activity.

The outcome of the lesson

Students made a list of elements that characterize a Baroque style painting in comparison with the Renaissance style.

Would you like to know more about this learning scenario? You can download it below:

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