The birds are singing! (LS-TR-13)
The Europeana curated datasets can give you new ideas for building STEM related learning scenarios. Işıl Gülmez uses the bird sounds dataset and shows us how we can address natural history in an IT class.
Işıl Gülmez, Europeana Ambassador for Turkey, prepared a learning scenario that combines IT and natural history, featuring bird sounds. This is an interesting topic for her students, as it has been reported that around 70% of Europe’s bird species also occur in Turkey. Işıl makes use of the bird sounds found in Europeana’s Natural History Collection. During this lesson, students learn about different bird species, as well as how they can be protected from extinction. They also learn how to create a poster with augmented reality (AR). Using the LAYAR software or ROAR, it is possible to print pictures that are enabled for AR.
The teacher begins the class with a demonstration of augmented reality. As an example, students can be asked to draw a bird, which can then be animated using Quiver Vision. Students then do research on the curated set of birdsongs, and find photos and information about them. The photos are then matched with the bird sounds, and prepared for AR. The finished posters can then be evaluated through peer votes, using Kahoot.
To have an idea of what the output of this scenario might look like, you can check out the Birdie Memory app, developed by Europeana’s partners.
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