The digital Evolution, From Our Artisans to Today’s Digital Information (LS-PT-238)

This Learning Scenario is meant to be used to introduce to the theme of ICT subjects, reinforcing the basic concepts of the technologies and also the connection to the mathematic subjects and the story of the evolution of our society and relation to work. This way it also has the potentiality to promote the interest of students in other subjects of their studies and involve other teachers. Although ICT in this way is more consistently studied in the programming and computing courses, it can be presented to all study courses at the basic level or secondary level of 10th grade.


This implementation was applied to 10th-grade students of a programming course in the ICT classes. The students were around age 16 and had no previous knowledge of the subjects presented or the Europeana platform. The activity started with the presentation concerning the CC licences and then the project itself and the Europeana Collections.

As for the project, an introduction concerning the technologies around us and in the past was presented and some questions were posed to the students, so the curiosity was aroused. One of the aims of the project is to question our technology and its relation to society.

After the presentation of the resources of the Europeana portal and the search process, 4 groups were made with 3 to 4 students depending on their own interests. Also the process of publishing the work was presented, the collaborative tools, and the timeline. The main goals of the project were stressed.

The next two sessions were dedicated to the research of information and to the organization of the presentation. The importance of the CC was always emphasised as well as the aims of the work.

In the last session, the students presented their work and then it was time to be questioned by the teacher and colleagues. This was important to the development of the argumentation and critical thinking of the students and the development of an active process of learning by the students.

Students exploring Europeana to collect pieces of information for their works.


The presentations were very interesting. They included some images and information about the machines and their evolution. Discussing the impact on society and implications in today’s technologies was more difficult. It takes a process of imagination and possibilities difficult to predict. But even small achievements are rewarding and the lessons of these implementations and debates can be used to improve the next challenge.

Students producing reflections about the LS main topic.

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the featured image used to illustrate this article has been found on Europeana Collections and belongs to the public domain.

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