The power of voice and brush (LS-PL-08)
Across the ages, arts have always raised enthusiasm and debates. Using the power of arts and new technologies, Katarzyna Siwczak, Europeana Ambassador for Poland, has created a learning scenario allowing students to enrich their knowledge and express themselves.
This interdisciplinary learning scenario is for implementing in an English language class, combining language and ICT skills, Arts and History. In fact, students will enrich their knowledge of famous artists, and their paintings. In addition, they will develop their language skills, particularly in expressing their opinion with vocabulary connected to art.
Among the diverse activities, students:
- play a short Kahoot game concerning the basic information on Europeana,
- receive a QR code, which leads them to a painting of a famous artist in the Europeana Collections,
- record the painting description using Flipgrid.
This will be the opportunity for students to improve their vocabulary related to the topic of art and to practice their speech making skills.
Afterwards, students listen to all the recordings and match the descriptions to the paintings on Google Slides.
Finally, students will be given a list of expressions with which they need to prepare and deliver a speech about the career of their chosen artists.
If you would like to know more about this learning scenario, click bellow :
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