The School Library in the Classroom and Media Literacy with Europeana (LS-PT-332)

The learning scenario aims to bring a school library into the classroom. In this particular contexts of the LS, my school library the Madalena Sotto. The main goal is to support students in their training in research techniques and oral presentation techniques of school work. We consider that as something fundamental for the present and for the future of the students as professional workers.

The implementation

The implementation focused on developing collaborative work with ICT faculty to support the curriculum, using research guidelines for written and oral work following Herrings research model (PLUS model).

To fulfil the LS goals, students were challenged to build a presentation about the monuments, ancient traditions, and legends of our region applying the PLUS Model. Europeana was the central point to collect resources to be used on the student´s presentation.

Students learning the PLUS model to develop a search on the Europeana portal.

The PLUS model

PLUS is an information literacy model which seeks to provide school students with a positively named tool or scaffold which will help them to improve their own learning by making them more information literate.

According to this reference, the PLUS model should be viewed as an iterative model and not a linear model as students may need to return to an earlier stage in the model during their information definition, search and use process.”



During the implementation of the LS, students were able to use a very well define and structured model to research for information (PLUS model) connecting it with Europeana Collections, developing the media literacy skills, so important in the days of digital movements. At the same time, they were aware of digital cultural heritage and link it to the local and regional traditions and monuments.

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The featured image used to illustrate this article has been found on Europeana Collections and belongs to the public domain.

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