Unsung Voices-Black Women Activists (LS-HR-766)

Unsung voices-Black Women Activists is a learning scenario that tries to introduce students to lesser-known black women who were fighters for women rights, especially rights of black women. Students work in groups, do research about five notable black women and take notes in form of a common presentation. They not only practice their speaking, reading and writing skills through a range of interesting activities but also their research skills, critical thinking skills and presentation skills.


As a warm-up teacher shows students a video and a few pictures and tries to elicit answers through a range of questions in order to introduce the students to the topic.


Working in groups students do research about five notable black women activists. They use Europeana and other sources for their research and organize their information in form of a collaborative  presentation.

Round table

After finishing their research and presentations students form new groups so that in each group one woman activist is represented. They have a round table where they get into the role of these women activists and they present themselves and their achievements.


Students discuss the position of black women today and whether they have achieved equality, what obstacles they still face and in what ways they work towards the equal rights for black women.

Human barometer activity

Teacher reads a few statements to students connected to women rights and feminism and they respond by positioning themselves in different corners of the classroom depending on the the degree of their agreement or disagreement with the statements. They also have to give arguments for their choices.

Newspaper article

As a wrap-up activity students write a newspaper article where they compare the fight of black  women for equal rights in the past and today.

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CC BY-SA 4.0: the featured image used to illustrate this article has been found on Europeana and has been provided by the Oslo Museum.

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