Using multimedia in the study of a writer or a relevant book (LS-PT-32)


This Learning Scenario can be used by students that have never tried Europeana before. It was implemented with twelfth-year students at the average age of 17. These students have tests and national exams to prepare for that include literature subjects. They are students with some technology background and they use technologies to study, research and present individual or group works.

When using Europeana for these types of activities, the resources usually selected are literature books and journals, images and posters. Others, such as news, videos or documentaries can also be selected. Unusual resources could be personal books or calendars with annotations concerning a specific year. Also, interviews of the authors with curiosities and habits of other personalities can be considered.

Using multimedia to develop students skills

The use of multimedia to edit resources is unlimited and programs can be explored by students as long as they meet the learning scenario requirements. Students can develop their skills as writers, communicators, researchers, designers or artists and use special effects skills and sound mixers. The multimedia experience allows them to explore the music, the costumes and even the gastronomy of the time, in the context of the book.

The use of these types of programs and tools can also be an advantage for students, giving them a sense of the use of these multimedia resources to deepen a study, organize information and present it effectively.

The team work was interesting and the students had an opportunity to discuss the differences between the cooperative and collaborative work, as well the tech tools that should be used, when and how, to get the effective work done. All the members of the group participated and took on the functions they felt best suited to. The organization and time management took an important role and the goal of the study was always kept clear.

The students had an opportunity to present their work and had self-assessment as well as peer assessment.


Due to the wide range of the theme – if the book is very complex – it may be appropriate to divide the groups into some themes or epochs.

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