Virtual Printed Circuit Board – preparation for engraving or etching (LS-PL-125)

“Virtual PCB – preparation for engraving or etching” is a learning scenario by the Complex of Technical Schools in Grudziądz, Poland, during the  operation of machines and electrical devices, a laboratory split in 3 blocks.

The role of the virtual PCB design classes was to familiarize high school students with a wide range of modern applications. To increase the attractiveness of lecture and laboratory classes, ICT techniques were used, with special focus on the usage of the free software “Fritzing”. In order to bring the topic closer, modern PCBs (models in the lab) and drawings from the Internet were shown. The Europeana portal and own materials related to the lessons were used from the teacher’s website.

Europeana’s robotics archive

After an introduction of Europeana, its resources and the basic attributes of the platform, the STEM and robotics issues were found in Europeana using the search engine. These were various materials ranging from the 3D printer construction, from diagrams to specific implementations in the industry, such as the Prusa i3 in modeling.

In the second part of the class, the students and the teacher started programming together in the Fritzing program. Programming was carried out as 24 laboratory instruction from the teacher’s website.

The third block of this laboratory was to have the students independently program the model environment and test the Fritzing program code. In this part of the class, the teacher only supervised the pupils’ work, which enforced the students’ independent, creative and innovative thinking.

The last task of the students was to report the activities carried out with the placement of the program code and the conclusions from the work.

After the lessons, the students learned and explored their knowledge in the fields of:

  • STEM skills: math & physics, coding,
  • vocabulary connected with the topic of mechatronics & robotics,
  • using ICT tools.

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