What Could Have hAPPened (LS-HU-538)

How history could have been different if we had the Internet and smart devices back then? What apps could have changed history? These are some of the questions raised by this LS, which serves as a basis for our latest eTwinning-Europeana project.

Have you ever been wondering how a specific historic event would have turned out if we had the technology back then? Students are invited to rethink history: they have to find a historical event using Europeana and technology or application that would have turned history upside down. Poster design, gifs, stop motion videos and 3D modelling are some of the products students create during this project.

As mentioned before, the LS serves as a basis for a 5-month long eTwinning project, but its parts can be used as sub-tasks for shorter projects or thematic lessons.

Kolorerad skioptikonbild med religiöst motiv. Jesus med lamm. (sv) Okänd. Tekniska museet. PD

Arts, History and IT

This project aims at incorporating Arts into the world of IT and technology. throughout history.  

Firstly the class that takes part in it are preparing for their secondary education. Therefore this project might give a whole insight into the field of technology combined with other subjects.

Secondly, it will develop their creativity, to explore their own boundaries. Consequently, they will work on a project that does not feel like learning, whereas they do learn a lot by experimenting.

What is more, searching for artefacts with specific Creative Commons licenses so that they could remix and transform them also prepares them for their further studies and work Stopmotion

Features of the LS

  • cross-curricular
  • project-based
  • collaboration
  • responsibility
  • entrepreneurship
  • bridging the past and the future
  • creative use of latest IT trends: 3D modelling, stop-motion videos

Europeana in vocational education

This LS is outstanding for 2 reasons:

  1. the topic itself is not as light as in other projects, difficult to consume even for teachers,
  2. it is done mostly in vocational schools, where involving culture in learning is not really a common issue. My students are going to be IT specialists and culture cannot be further away from their everyday studies.

Project Outcomes and Results

All tasks and tools can be followed both on our Twinspace and on our digital tooolcase in Symbaloo.

Some of the most successful tasks of this LS were:

  • 3D model design – my students did not have any previous experience with it, but it was fun and Tinkercad proved to be really useful,
  • how your app could have changed history: make a stopmotion in Powerpoint – this turned out to be a huge success as all of us are familiar with PPT and we would have never guessed how easy it is to make stopmotions with it.

Would you like to know more about this learning scenario? You can download it below:

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CC BY 4.0: the featured image used to illustrate this article has been found on Europeana and has been provided by the Wellcome Collection.

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