What is PT? (EN-CUR-494)
In primary school, students will learn about the chemical elements and their symbols, they will learn how to describe the structure of the periodic table and the method for determining the names of chemical elements.
During the lesson, students have to investigate why chemical elements have symbols, who suggested the labelling principle of the chemical elements, what is the history of their names, etc. The teacher presents some sources of knowledge (books, internet, Europeana portal, the periodic table of elements).
This learning scenario has been developed during the English version of the “Europeana in your classroom: building 21st-century competences with digital cultural heritage (Rerun)” online course. The course aimed to improve teachers’ understanding of cultural heritage in order to efficiently integrate it into their lessons and practices. The courses can be accessed here.
Author: Renata Najman
Age of students: 13 – 14
Subject and topic: Chemistry/ Periodic table of elements
CC BY 4.0: the featured image used to illustrate this article has been found on Europeana and has been provided by the Wellcome Collection.