Women at Work (LS-GR-234)

The position of women in the labour market has changed significantly over the centuries. The Industrial Revolution marked women’s participation in the workforce, transcending their traditional roles associated with household work and domestic tasks. Ranging from scientists and politicians to factory and coal miners, they have contributed to social prosperity. However, a number of issues have arisen, relevant to gender equality, employment rates, wages and, working conditions.

Women’s labour in the 20th-century

The aim of this scenario is to introduce students into the topic of women’s labour in the 20th century, bringing forward the above-mentioned considerations. The scenario’s suggested task types follow the ‘Learning by Design’ knowledge processes, organized in four phases, namely experiencing, conceptualizing, analyzing and applying. In this context, after activating students’ schemata and defining terminology, there is a focus on critical analysis of the topic through personal stories and short interviews and creative application in multimodal language production.

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The featured image used to illustrate this article has been found on Europeana Collections and belongs to the public domain.

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